ACE Urges You To Join The Growing List Of Residents Who Want To Minimize Limerick Nuclear Plant’s Unprecedented Threats And Harms, And Close Limerick As Soon As Possible To Prevent A Meltdown!
Call (610) 326-2387 or e-mail ACE today! Leave your name, phone, and e-mail. We will update you and notify you about important issues and events related to Limerick operations.
Your Voice Is Urgently Needed!
Decisions Are Being Made About Limerick Nuclear Plant Operations That Can Have Devastating Consequences For The Future Health, Safety, And The Financial Well-Being Of Millions In The Greater Philadelphia Region. Over 8 Million People Live Within 50 Miles. Philadelphia Is Only About 20 Miles Downwind, Downstream From Limerick. Safe Evacuation Is An Illusion! It Is Imperative To Take Action To Close Limerick Now To Try To Prevent A Meltdown, To Avoid Becoming The Next Fukushima.
Evidence in section 19 of this website shows we don’t need Limerick’s electric. We should not be expected to continue to be subjected to such extraordinary risks, threats, and harms.
Sections on the left reveal why Limerick Nuclear Plant must be closed as soon as possible to prevent a meltdown and why air and water pollution threats can and must be minimized until Limerick closes.
Elected officials can and must start to protect our interests instead of Exelon’s profits. Unless elected officials hear from you and face reality, meltdown threats and other risks won’t be reduced. Instead Limerick will be run harder and longer, drastically increasing unprecedented threats to our region.
Exelon lobbyists spin outrageous deception about Limerick operations. Exelon buys silence and support with campaign contributions to our elected officials. Your voice is needed to get elected officials to deal with reality and speak up now to try to prevent a Limerick meltdown and disaster from earthquakes, terrorist attacks, or accidents, and minimize Limerick’s dangerous pollution threats to public health and safety.
Elected officials must end the injustice of Limerick Nuclear Plant. Exelon disregards the reality of risks when requesting uprates to run Limerick harder, and relicensing to run Limerick longer. Limerick Nuclear Plant must be closed, not run harder and longer. We didn’t agree to be poisoned by Limerick’s routine radiation releases or Limerick’s other major air and water pollution. We also never agreed to pay for Limerick’s construction and decommissioning in our electric bills over decades.
Section 21 provides a list of what officials need to do to protect your interests and what you can do starting today. Unless you speak up, elected officials and government agencies will not require Exelon to close Limerick or even spend the money necessary to reduce threats to your health and safety until it closes.
The Alliance For A Clean Environment (ACE) has been investigating environmental and health threats and harms associated with Limerick Nuclear Power Plant since 2000. We compiled a vast body of information, research, and evidence which clearly shows Limerick Nuclear Plant presents unprecedented harms and threats to our environment and public health. We also learned that Limerick Nuclear Plant repeatedly financially victimized our region’s ratepayers and taxpayers.
To review summaries of our findings and conclusions supporting our call for Limerick’s closure and far greater safeguards, click on each of the major categories listed on the left. To review permits, ACE correspondence with NRC, PA DEP, DRBC, and EPA, cancer studies using PA Cancer Registry data around Limerick, ACE cancer mapping, Limerick’s routine radiation emissions, research from independent scientists and researchers on harmful health impacts from continuous radiation exposure, and other related studies and information upon which our concerns, questions, and conclusions have been based, you can call the ACE office for an appointment.
At the end of many sections are schematics and diagrams from permits, as well as graphics, pictures, and other official documents with explanations for clarity, letters to the editor which summarize issues, and references to news articles using the first page of the article. The entire articles can be found at the Pottstown Library, Mercury archives, or the ACE office.
Limerick Nuclear Plant routinely releases radiation into our air and water. Section 1 identifies the reality of issues involving Exelon Yearly Radiological Monitoring Report for Limerick Nuclear Power Plant.
Section 2 documents alarming skyrocketing cancer rates, especially in children, from 1985 when Limerick started operating to the late 1990s. Compelling links are identified between Limerick’s routine radiation releases and shocking cancer rates, including radiation in our children’s teeth and elevated cancer rates around other nuclear plants in the U.S. and other nations. State data shows high rates of infant and neonatal mortality in the region around Limerick, far higher than the state average, and even higher than Philadelphia and Reading.
Radiation is not the only threat. Limerick Nuclear Plant is a major air polluter under health based standards of the Clean Air Act. Of greatest concern are dangerous PM-10 emissions from Limerick’s cooling towers. Exelon, owner of Limerick, recently requested drastic increases. For details on Limerick’s air pollution see Section 5.
Limerick is a serious threat to drinking water, both from the Schuylkill River and groundwater. Exelon can reduce Limerick’s threat of a drinking water disaster for almost two million people from Pottstown to Philadelphia with filtration. Unprecedented threats to water are identified in Sections 6 and 7.
Since the Fukushima meltdown catastrophe March, 2011, we learned threats for a Limerick meltdown are far greater than we ever imagined and even dramatically increasing. Find out why in Sections 8, 11, 12, 13, and 14. Included: design flaws, deterioration, earthquakes, terrorists threats, fires, and meltdowns.
Section 9 on high-level radioactive waste shows there is a real risk that Limerick Nuclear Plant could turn the entire Philadelphia region into a dead zone for generations. Of major concern is an accident or attack on Limerick’s fuel pools, storing vast amounts of Limerick’s deadly radioactive wastes produced since 1985. Millions could become nuclear refugees, losing our health, homes, and all our possessions.
Solar, along with energy efficiency, can replace Limerick’s electric in just a few years. Section 19 shows the reality of how Limerick’s electric can be replaced and why we don’t need to be victimized further for Exelon’s profits. A long list of solar news and solar installations dispel nuclear industry myths.
Section 15 explains in detail why the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the agency that is supposed to protect us from nuclear plants, has lost all credibility, making decisions jeopardizing our future while protecting Exelon’s profits.
Section 20 reveals why we can’t trust Exelon’s monitoring, testing, or reporting to determine our radiation or safety risks from Limerick Nuclear Plant. It disputes Exelon’s ridiculous, illogical, false claims.
ACE urges you to review the detailed information compiled on this website and contact elected officials today, before there is a major catastrophe or meltdown at Limerick Nuclear Plant.
Contact ACE Today To Join Our Growing Coalition To End Limerick’s Injustice