ACE Video Blog 3 on the Pattern of Cover-Ups and Lies About Consequences of Radiation Exposure From Nuclear Plant Accidents and Meltdowns


ACE Video / Blog – Part 3

The Truth and Consequences of Radiation Exposure

From Nuclear Plant Accidents / Meltdowns

Truth and Consequences of Radiation From Meltdowns Must Be Fully Disclosed So That People In The Greater Philadelphia Region Begin To Understand Why More Protective Limerick Nuclear Plant Emergency and Evacuation Planning Is Imperative

· The Pattern of Unethical Deception About Radiation Exposure After Meltdowns Has Created Disastrous Situations, Needlessly Magnifying Harms For Millions.

­ Victims Were Not Evacuated Soon Enough or Far Enough Away From Meltdowns. They Suffered Needlessly.

­ People Failed To Take Precautionary Actions Because They Were Lied To About Radiation Releases.

· Cover-Ups, Lies, and Secrecy About Radiation Releases and Their Consequences From Meltdowns Must Be Revealed – It’s About Ethics, Human Rights, and Minimizing Harms.

· Government and the Nuclear Industry Deceive The Public. They Manipulate Public Opinion To Reduce Opposition to Nuclear Power To Prevent Collapse of the Nuclear Industry.

· Deaths and Harmful Health Impacts Have Been Deliberately Underestimated – Using Dilution, Discounting Internal Radiation Exposure, Ignoring Diseases Other Than Cancer, Using Deceptive Testing and Estimates.

· The Truth About Consequences of Meltdowns Has Been Suppressed and Withheld – Through Worldwide Censorship of Media and Misleading Industry Propaganda That Denies Reality.

Once a Large Amount of Radiation Enters An Ecosystem It Quickly Becomes Widespread, Contaminating Water, Soil, Plants, Animals, and People

· Radiation is invisible – It also can’t be tasted, smelled, or felt by victims.

· Evidence shows radiation from meltdowns contaminates air, water, soil, and food hundreds of miles away from meltdowns.

· As Radiation moves up the food chain, it Bioaccumulates, Bioconcentrates, and Biomagnifies

· Example: Ingestion of foods contaminated with even “low levels” of radioactive cesium leads to bioaccumulation in the liver, kidneys, small intestines, pancreas, spleen, and heart and endocrine tissues.

· Children are most susceptible to effects of radiation on their internal organs.

· There is “NO SAFE RADIATION DOSE” according to The National Academy of Sciences, Physicians for Social Responsibility, and other experts.

People In The Greater Philadelphia Region Must Have Immediate Notification Of A Limerick Nuclear Plant

Radiation Accident or Meltdown With Expanded Evacuation and Ingestion Pathway Zones

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Has Lost All Credibility


Fukushima was the worst nuclear disaster in history, expected by independent experts to have worse radiation consequences than Chernobyl – estimated to have released radiation 20 times Chernobyl.

Soon after Fukushima’s meltdowns started, many Japanese people far beyond the evacuation zone started showing signs of radiation poisoning, especially children. Related deaths were certified by officials in 13 Prefectures.

Yet, NRC Told 3,000 Nuclear Experts From 34 Countries:

Fukushima Did Not Result In Big Radiation Doses to the General Population. Immediate Health Consequences Were “Very Close To Nothing,” With “Little To No” Long-Term Health Effects.

Probably Met NRC Safety Goals.

NRC Needs New Standards For Fukushima Type Disasters.

How Can We Believe NRC About Anything?

NRC Protects Nuclear Industry Profits At The Expense Of Public Health and Safety

· NRC is failing in its mission to protect public health and safety.

· In spite of credible evidence from Chernobyl and Fukushima meltdowns proving radiation released travels hundreds of miles and has devastating impacts on health, especially for children, and in spite of NRC warning U.S. citizens to evacuate 50 miles from Fukushima, NRC is still denying the need to expand U.S. evacuation zones beyond 10 miles and ingestion pathway zones beyond 50 miles.

· NRC disregards reliable independent scientific research and fails to fully disclose harmful impacts from routine and accidental radiation releases with deceptively designed word-smithing.

NRC is using industry biased studies to deceive the public about actual consequences of radiation exposure from meltdowns.

NRC is refusing to provide more realistic protective planning for Limerick Nuclear Plant and others.

Flawed MIT Study Is Being Used By NRC

To Dismiss The Need For Nuclear Disaster Evacuations

(May 25th, 2012) Previous Study Disputes MIT Claim (Tanaka et al , 2009)

The flawed study discounted credible human data compiled after Chernobyl and Fukushima meltdowns.

MIT Awarded More Than $2 Million in Grants And Fellowships

(May 21, 2012) Nuclear science and engineering

$1.65 million was awarded through grants from the Department of Energy Nuclear Energy University Programs and $450,000 was awarded through graduate student fellowships. “Scholarship for Nuclear Communications and Methods for Evaluation of Nuclear Project Acceptability” will develop a model to characterize the factors affecting social acceptance of nuclear projects by potential stakeholders.

MIT Mouse Radiation Study Is Science Fiction (June 7th, 2012 Video)

See Why MIT’s study is pure science fiction, not fact:

NRC’s response to Fukushima meltdowns was to ignore reality and arrange for MIT do a selection-bias study, using a 35-day short-term mouse study to make it seem as if impacts from radiation exposure are harmless. The MIT study excluded extensive evidence of genetic damage to humans living in a radiation-contaminated environment. Nineteen groups of Children from Chernobyl showed lasting genetic damage from radiation.

A Radioactive Conflict of Interest (June 25th, 2012)

Having the Energy Department control radiation health research makes as much sense as giving tobacco companies the authority to see if smoking is bad for you.

MIT Confronted With Its Malpractice of Science (June 25, 2012)

The MIT Radiation Study Was Confronted With Its Malpractice Of Science. The Study Protocol was flawed. It’s the worst kind of bias, the kind paid to ignore human suffering. “It’s difficult to get someone to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”

MIT Mouse Study Debunked In Journal (November 13th, 2012)

Biased Protocols Included:

· The use of genetically altered FYDR mice for one portion of the study but not the comparison groups.

· The wide range in the numbers of mice used in the comparison groups.

· The time frame was too short (Tanaka paper)

· External radiation was the only radiation studied. Internal radiation was not studied, but presents the bigger risk.

· The study left out crucial information that children may have a 3-fold higher risk for damage from radiation at half the accumulated MIT dose.

Independent Research And Evidence Dispel MIT’s Radiation Deception:

A body of independent research on radiation, as well as evidence from actual meltdowns, reveal the truth and consequences of radiation exposure from nuclear plants like Limerick.

· There is NO safe level of radiation exposure, according to the National Academy of Sciences and Physicians for Social Responsibility.

· Ionizing radiation from nuclear plants damages living things and can contaminate the environment permanently.

· Nuclear Plant radiation mutates genes which can cause genetic damage across generations.

· U.S. and European studies have all shown increases in cancer around nuclear facilities.

· Drastic increases in cancer are documented, especially in children, in communities near Limerick Nuclear Plant and Montgomery County, home of Limerick Nuclear Plant , since Limerick Nuclear Plant started operating in1985. (See ACE Website Download #2: “Cancer – Skyrocketing Increases: Links to Limerick”)

Human Health Consequences Resulting From Radiation Releases After Meltdowns At Fukushima, Chernobyl, and Three Mile Island Have Been Revealed By Independent Research:

· Based on the amount of radiation releases over 1.5 million excess cancers are expected from Fukushima.

· Over 1.5 million excess cancers occurred over 25 years from Chernobyl, “Consequences To People And The Environment” – New York Academy of Science

· Partial meltdown at TMI may have caused 50,000 to 100,000 excess deaths. Read: “Deadly Deceit: Low Level Radiation – High Level Cover-up” by Jay Gould and Ben Goldman, 1990

Radiation and Public Health Project Director, Joseph Mangano’s Two Excellent Books Reveal Truth And Consequences About Radiation Exposure


The Only Study Of Radiation Levels In Bodies Of Americans Living Near Nuclear Plants – Includes Data On Limerick Nuclear Plant.


Includes An Account of Consequences From Nuclear Accidents and Meltdowns, Plus A Point-by-Point Refutation of Pro-Nuke Arguments.

“There Is NO Safe Level Of Radionuclide Exposure Whether From Food, Water, Or Other Sources. PERIOD!”

Dr. Jeff Patterson, Former President of Physicians for Social Responsibility, Said:

Exposure to Radionuclides, like Iodine-131 and Cesium-137, INCREASES Risk of Cancer.”

Radiation Exposure Can Affect The Whole Body

The broad range of radionuclides that are present in radioactive releases from nuclear power plants have been linked to damage to: Bladder, Bone, Brain, Breast, Kidneys, Liver, Lungs, Muscles, Ovaries, Pancreas, Skin, Spleen, Thyroid

Radiation Sickness Symptoms Appear in One to Four Weeks and Can Be Mistaken for Other Illnesses Like the Flu:

· Within the first twenty-four hours, symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, fever, etc.

· Within one to four weeks, symptoms can include dizziness, disorientation, weakness and fatigue, hair loss, bloody vomit and stools, infections, poor wound healing, and low blood pressure.

There Is No Way to Undo Damaging Effects Of Radiation Exposure

To Minimize Exposure

· Time Limit Exposure

· Distance Between You and Radiation

· Shielding Learn About Best Sheltering Procedures

For Radiation Exposure Summaries See:

#1 Radiation – Limerick’s Routine Releases

#3 Radiation – No Safe dose

#4 Radiation – Reduce Risk

Over 8 Million People Live Within 50 Miles Of Limerick

How Close Do You Live To Limerick Nuclear Plant?

See Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)

Radiation Plume Map




Contact Elected Officials Today To Demand That NRC Require More Protective Emergency Planning Including:

1. Immediate Public Notification By Exelon and NRC

2. Independent Radiation Monitoring With Electronic

Radiation Alert System

3. A 50-Mile Evacuation Zone

4. A 100-Mile Ingestion Pathway Zone

Fukushima and Chernobyl Meltdowns Prove Radioactive Fallout Traveled Far Greater Distances Than 50 Miles. The Radioactive Ingestion Pathway Went Far Beyond 100 Miles.

Facts About Fukushima Fallout:

· Japan’s long-lived radiation contaminated more than 11,500 square miles. (Reported 11-11)

· An area almost the size of Connecticut (some 4,500 square miles) was found to have radiation levels exceeding Japan’s shameful highly inflated allowable radiation limit.

· The radioactively-contaminated exclusion zones surrounding Fukushima cover more than 300 square miles.

Facts About Chernobyl Fallout:

· Evacuations spread over the years as far as 200 miles away from the reactor. Approximately 350,400 people were evacuated from the areas surrounding Chernobyl.

· 80 square miles were declared too radioactive for human habitation and declared a permanent “exclusion” zone.

Yet, Limerick’s Emergency and Evacuation Zone Remains Set At Only 10-Miles. Limerick’s Ingestion Pathway Zone Remains Set At Just 50 Miles. This Is Negligence!

1974 Reactor Safety Study Published by NRC (Referred To As The Rasmussen Report)

· 45,000 Radiation Sickness Cases (Requiring Hospitalization)

· 3,300 Deaths (From Acute Radiation Sickness)

· 45,000 Fatal Cancers (over 50 years)

· 250,000 Non-Fatal Cancers (over 50 years)

· 190 Children Born With Birth Defects Per Year

Note: Non-Insurable Property Damage Was Estimated At $14 Billion

NRC’s Estimated Consequences For An Accident At Limerick Nuclear Power Plant, Reported To Congress In 1982 (Referred to as the CRAC Report):

· 74,000 Early Fatalities

· 610,000 Early Injuries

· 34,000 Cancer Deaths

Census Records From 1980 to 2010 Show That These Numbers Would Be Drastically Higher Today.

This Population Increase Demands Updated Planning.

The Following News Articles and Reports Provide Overwhelming Evidence Of NRC’s Negligent, Ineffective, Unprotective Policies:

· 03/21/11 NRC Increases Estimated “Background” Doses to Radiation Again

· 04/05/11 “NRC’s Pro-Nuke Spin on Evacuation Zones”

· 06/02/11 Some fear U.S. nuclear agency is playing ‘regulatory roulette’

· 07/29/11 NRC Lowers Estimate of How Many Would Die in Meltdown By Matthew Wald

· 08/30/11 NRC: Update evacuation plans near nuclear plants AP – By Matthew Daly

Article exposes no changes to evacuation zones which have remained frozen at a 10-mile radius around each

plant since they were set in 1978, regardless of aging reactors operating at higher power, risking larger

radioactive releases, and skyrocketing populations around some plants – as high as 4 1/2 times higher.

· 09/11/11 Agencies Struggle To Craft Offsite Cleanup Plan For Nuclear Power Accidents November 10, 2010 for-nuclear-power-accidents/menu-id-565.html

While no agency is taking responsibility for attempting to clean up after a nuclear disaster, all these agencies ignore or miss the fact that nuclear “accidents” NEVER end. Will they ever admit that a nuclear plant worst case scenario is likely to be just too bad to clean up?

NRC and Industry’s Attempt To Hide The Real Risk From Nuclear Plant Radiation

Bogus Comparisons:

· The nuclear industry and NRC intentionally ignore and deny harms from continuous routine radiation exposure from nuclear plant releases. They repeatedly, absurdly dismiss harm from continuous exposure to over 100 radionuclides routinely discharged from nuclear plants and make bogus comparisons to radiation from sunshine, X-rays, and airplane trips.

· The broad range of nuclear plant radionuclides routinely released cause additive, cumulative, and synergistic internal and external radiation damage. Once in the ecosystem, people living in the region of a nuclear plant cannot avoid these exposures. They cannot see it, taste it, feel it, or smell it.


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